Study Guide :: Unit 2
2.8: Data with categorical variables
Supplementary Resource Materials
(ways to test categorical data)
Chi‑squared Distribution
Chi‑squared Tests
Reference Materials
(Questions to consider when you are reading an article that contains the results of a Chi‑square test)
- Are the variables of interest categorical rather than numerical?
- Are the data given in the article in the form of a frequency table?
- If a two‑way frequency table is involved, is the question of interest one of homogeneity or one of independence?
- What null hypothesis is being tested? Are the results of the analysis reported in the correct context (homogeneity, etc.)?
- Is the sample size large enough to make use of a chi‑square test reasonable? (Are all the expected counts at least 5?)
- What is the value of the test statistic? Is the associated $p$‑value given? Should the null hypothesis be rejected?
- Are the conclusions drawn by the authors consistent with the result of the test?
- How different are the observed and expected counts? Does the result have practical significance as well as statistical significance?
(Introduction to Statistics & Data Analysis, by Peck, Olsen & Devore, Cengage learning, 2014, p. 651)